
For Complete Info, see the 
 OHS Yearbook Google Site !!! 

Yearbooks are $55 and can be purchased online or in person at the OHS Cashier

Purchase Senior Tributes & Yearbooks at :

User Name: your student ID number (example: 01234567)
Password: your student's last name starting with capital letter (example: Smith)

Yearbook sales are suspended
10/1/24-11/11/24 and 2/3/25-3/31/25. 

Pre-Orders are suggested by January 31st to guarantee you get your copy! 

Senior Deadlines:

This year the Olympic High School yearbook staff is working hard to ensure all our seniors have something special to remember their final year! Along with this comes guidelines and due dates so the yearbook can be turned in on time. This year we have 3 deadlines for seniors.

Senior photos should be turned in by January 31, 2025. Photos will not be accepted after this date and the picture used will be the student’s school picture taken by Olympic Photo Group or last year’s photo if not turned in. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. To submit a senior photo please use the link Senior Picture Submission 24-25

Quotes must be school appropriate; meaning no swears/curses, no vulgar comments, and nothing offensive. The length of quotes although don’t have to be very short cannot be more than a couple sentences. Quotes will be placed below each senior photo and need to be able to fit accordingly. Other than these, there are no limits, be creative!

Senior Tributes will be due by March 31st, 2025. We understand these tributes are very important to students and parents alike and the yearbook staff wants to make them as perfect as possible for both! However, there are many things to know and understand about tributes. These tributes are to send messages and share memories with graduating students in their final yearbook. There is limited space for tributes, once pages are full, we cannot take any more orders. Orders will be taken on a first come first serve basis. Once your tribute is made a copy will be sent to you for final approval to ensure it’s to your liking. However, there is a possibility that not all photos sent in will be used, we cannot guarantee each photo will make it into the students’ tribute. Each photo should be at least 300 dpi or larger to ensure prints are of the highest quality. Images must also be submitted digitally, printed images cannot be used. Please make sure photos submitted are not too dark or blurry for best quality. If photos taken are done professionally your photographer can generally email photos directly to you and you can use the form to upload them. Photos that are deemed unacceptable will not be used. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact the yearbook advisor, Mr. Mason at (360) 662-2700 Ext. 2794 or at [email protected].

 Page prices are as follows: A quarter page is $50, half a page is $100, for a full page it’s $200

 Form for senior tributes can be found here:
Senior Tributes

Purchase Senior Tributes at :

User Name: your student ID number (example: 01234567)
Password: your student's last name starting with capital letter (example: Smith)

If you have any questions, please e-mail  [email protected]
or visit our OHS Yearbook Google Site